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Born to save......naturally

I am here to honor and glorify Spirit and I believe that you are too. My goal is to lead you to peace, prosperity, love and success. Just like the bee, I’ll work hard and bring sweetness to you and a sting to your enemies. My strongest quality as an intuitive reader and folk magician is not my deep intuitive understanding or my deft hand with prayer and ritual -- it's the fact that I am 100% invested in every single one of my clients. I believe that each of us has a unique and divine purpose in this world -- I want to help you find and fulfill yours! Sometimes we get stuck on our path towards divine purpose and grace-we may suffer from a broken heart or a marriage in need of blessing, we may experience financial issues that keep us chasing our tail and unable to get ahead. Perhaps we simply need some cleansing and soul care in order to have true success. As a hereditary spiritual counselor who have the gift of these tools from birth, I will help you cut to the quick of what is blocking you or keeping you down. I offer practical, spiritual, and magical advice because they all have a role to play when we want to create out best, most precious life.


I am gifted for this work, and with the last name "Moojo" it has not only been my "label," but my calling to follow a path that has led me below the surface of life. As a child, I "played" with tarot cards, and convinced my parents to gift me a Ouija board. Able to connect with the world on a deeper level, my ability to manifest became second nature. When I was 14 I moved to Southeast India. It was here that I learned to read tarot cards, work with my dreams and cast magic spells.


My cabinet is of course outside in the sunshine and elements, right together in and with Mother Nature.

My passion for rootwork and compassionate nature has lead me down this path as a seer and rootworker to help others. God has given me the unique gift of being a clairvoyant. I feel more than other people, and can sense a client's needs and emotions well. I use the tarot to connect with Spirit. This allows me to understand exactly what Spirit wants the client to know. Connecting people with loved ones that have passed is an amazing gift to give.


I enjoy using oil lamps, spell crafting, making specialized mojo bags, candle settings, making special oils to fit the client's needs, giving spiritual and practical advice. I can help an uninitiated client meet his or her spirit guides for the first time using my spirit guide, and help the client communicate with them. Spirit guides and guardian angels very often know what is best for a client, since they are always with the client.


I want to be there for you, my client, when life is difficult. I want to help you through your troubles, whether small or large. I am here for you, just ask. It does not matter what faith or religion, race or culture you come from. I was not put here on Earth by God to judge and so I will not. My purpose here is to help you! Life is short and incredibly precious. Don't waste your time with second rate solutions -- I am here to be of service and I want to help you! Contact me today so that we can get started making miracles and magic together.




When conducting a psychic reading, I provide straight-to-the-point information that will leave you feeling empowered and suggest ways that you can change your situation, either on your own or by retaining my rootwork services on your behalf. In addition, I am a spirit medium and I can contact the dead to help you with paranormal ghost activity or haunted houses, determining why the spirit is there and helping you to deal with the hauntings.



Before performing rootwork, I divine with tarot, pendulum, crystal balls, astrology, or cowrie shells. This process serves as a "second opinion from Spirit" before any conjuring is undertaken. My custom rootwork services include mojos, honey jars, candle rituals, condition oils, soaps, and bath salts.

If you seek a working that will be preformed with dignity, and perfection without a trace, I will aid in bringing you what you deserve!


How to Pay for and Schedule an Appointment with Me

You may book my services, in-person spell casting and arrange payment in person, or via telephone, email, or Skype. If I am not available when you call, or if you call outside my business hours, you will be forwarded to an answering machine. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. If there are days or times at which you cannot receive a callback, please leave that info in your message and be sure to mention your time zone.

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